
Artificial Intelligence for Scholarly Communication
- Conference: The 39th Annual AAAI Conference on Artificial Intelligence
- Location: Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, US
- Paper title: Applications of LLMs and Knowledge Graphs in Healthcare
- Program: First AAAI Bridge on Artificial Intelligence for Scholarly Communication
I presented a paper at the AAAI 25 conference on how we can apply LLM and knowledge graphs in healthcare to solve healthcare problem. Leveraging knowledge graphs in LLMs can empower healthcare professionals with knowledge, ultimately leading to improved diagnostics, personalized treatments, and accelerated medical research. Structuring collected information by LLMs in a knowledge graph helps identify key features and discover new patterns in a graph.
I am currenlty an Associate Professor of Data Analytics at Shannon School of Business, Cape Breton University in Sydney, Canada. I am also an Adjunct Professor at Dalhsouie University , Affiliate Scientist at Nova Scotia Health , and a researcher in machine learning at Halmstad University . I provide Data Science consultancy for different companies as well.

Associate Professor in Data Analytics
- Ph.D.: Information and Knowledge Engineering
- Master: Software Engineering
- Bachelor: Software Engineering
- Research Interests: Machine Learning, Knowledge Engineering
I was a postdoctoral fellow at Dalhousie University. I received my PhD in “Information and Knowledge Engineering” from University of Alcala in Spain. I participated in different European research projects during my PhD and published several JCR papers in Computer Science journals (Google Scholar).
- Knowledge of Data Analytics, Data Visualization, Knowledge Engineering, and Semantic Web
- Experienced in teaching computer science and data analytics courses at graduate and undergraduate level
- Awarded NSERC Discovery Grant and Mitacs Research Training
PhD in Information and Knowledge Engineering
2012 - 2015
Univeristy of Alcala, Alcala de Henares, Spain
- Thesis title: Interlinking educational data to Web of Data
- Thesis mark: Excellent (Cum Laude)
Master of Software Engineering
2001 - 2004
Ferdowsi University of Mashhad, Iran
- Thesis title: Developing a management information system to manipulate Jini Home Networks
- Thesis mark: Excellent (20 out of 20)
- GPA: 18.24 out of 20 (32 Units)
- Award: First ranked student
Bachelor of Software Engineering
1997 - 2001
Razi University of Kermanshah, Iran
- Thesis title: Implementation of an ISP accounting system for university
- Thesis mark: Excellent (19.5 out of 20)
- GPA: 15.65 out of 20 (140 Units)
- Award: Second ranked student
Professional Experience
Associate Professor of Data Analytics
2019 - Present
Shanon School of Business, Cape Breton University, Canada
- Teaching Data Analytics courses in Business Analytics program
- Research in Data Analytics and Semantic Web
Data Scientist
2017 - 2019
REDspace, Halifax, Canada
- Developed several Big Data analytics dashboards
- Experinced working with Databricks, PySpark and machine learning techniques
Postdoctoral Fellow
2015 - 2017
Faculty of Computer Science, Dalhsouie Univeristy
- Researched on a semantic data analytics framework in healthcare systems
- Experinced in developing mobile and web applications in healthcare
Research Assistant
2012 - 2015
Univeristy of Alcala, Alcala de Henares, Spain
- Researched on Semantic Web and Linked Data projects
- Developed several Linked Data platforms in different European projects including Open Discovery Space project (
Full-time Instructor
2009 - 2012
Islamic Azad University of Saveh, Iran
- Taught computer science courses
- Researched on Semantic Web and Linked Data
Research Projects
NSERC Discovery Grant
2020 - 2025
- Title: Semantic Web Analysis over the Nova Scotia Open Data
- Amount: $ 156,000
- Research assistants: Devanshika Gosh, Rishi Midha, Tamanna Moharana, Chandrayog Yadav, Karishma Kumar
New Health Investigator Grant - Research Nova Scotia
2022 - 2024
- Title: Identifying Alternate Level of Care (ALC) Patients Levergaing Machine Learning Algorithms
- Amount: $ 97,418
- Research assistants: TBD
Mitacs Globalink - Mitacs
- Title: Graph Neural Network Using Knowledge Graphs
- Amount: $ 4,250
- Interns: Debjit Sarkar and Saloni Rakholiya
CBU RISE grant
- Title: Explainable Clinical Decision Support System using Knowledge Graph
- Amount: $ 7,600
- Research assistants: TBD
Industrial Research Assistance Program (IRAP)
2020 - 2021
- Title: Predicting healing time on a Wound dataset using feature engineering techniques
- Budget: $ 5,000
- Research assistants: Tressy Thomas, Ankit Anand
CBU RISE grant
- Title: Multi-label Text Class Classification Using Knowledge Graphs
- Amount: $ 7,800
- Research assistants: Divya Prabhu, Muhan Kumar Ganta, and Tressy Thomas
Mitacs Research Training Award
2020 - 2021
- Title: Building a Knowledge Graph on Top of Open Statistical Data
- Amount: $ 6,000
- Research assistants: Rishi Midha
CBU RISE grant
- Title: Data Imputation using KNN Algorithm
- Amount: $ 7,400
- Research assistants: Tressy Thomas
Industrial Research Assistance Program (IRAP)
2019 - 2020
- Title: Building a data analytics dashboard on how2trak database in clinical practice
- Amount: $ 5,000
- Research assistants: Devanshika Gosh
Journal papers:
- Rajabi, E. and Etminani, K. (2024). Knowledge-graph-based explainable AI: A systematic review. Journal of Information Science, 1019--1029, Sage Publications Sage UK: London, England.
- Chaudhary, A. and Milios, E. and Rajabi, E. (2024). Top2Label: Explainable zero shot topic labelling using knowledge graphs. Expert Systems with Applications, 242, 483-497.
- Wardley, L. J, Rajabi, E. Amin, S.H. and Ramesh, M. (2024). A machine learning approach feature to forecast the future performance of the universities in Canada. Machine Learning with Applications, 16, 483-497.
- Rajabi, E. and George, A. A. and Kumar, K. (2024). The role of knowledge graphs in chatbots. The Electronic Library, 42(3), 483-497.
- Maisonnave, M. and Rajabi, E. and Taghavi, M. and VanBerkel, P. (2024). Alternate Level of Care Patients in Canada: a Scoping Review Canadian Geriatrics Journal, 27(4), 519.
- Kumari, N. and Rajabi, E. (2024). A comparative exploration of two diffusion generative models on tabular data synthesis. International Journal of Data Science and Analytics, Springer International Publishing Cham. 1-12.
- Stroele, V., Moreno, L. L. O., Gomes, J., de Oliveira Silva, T. T., Rajabi, E., & de Souza, J. F. (2024). Who is Going to Help? Detecting Social Media Influencers to Spread Information About Missing Persons. IEEE Transactions on Technology and Society, 19(2), 222-229.
- Sahebari, M., Rajabi, E., Esmaili, H., Orooji, A., & Dowlatabadi, Y. (2023). Effects of air pollution on disease activity and health-related quality of life of systemic lupus erythematous patients: an Iranian observational longitudinal study. Current Rheumatology Reviews, 19(2), 222-229.
- Rajabi, E., Midha, R., & de Souza, J. F. (2023). Constructing a knowledge graph for open government data: the case of Nova Scotia disease datasets. Journal of biomedical semantics, 14(1), 4.
- Rajabi, E., Nowaczyk, S., Pashami, S., Bergquist, M., Ebby, G. S., & Wajid, S. (2023). A knowledge-based AI framework for mobility as a service , Sustainability, 15(3), 2717.
- Rajabi, E., & Kafaie, S. (2022). Knowledge graphs and explainable ai in healthcare. Information, 13(10), 459.
- Gomes Jr, J., Bernardino3 H.S., Francisco de Souza, J., Rajabi, E. (2023). Indexing, enriching, and understanding Brazilian missing person cases from data of distributed repositories on the web, , AI & Society. doi:
- Rajabi, E., Sahebari, M., Tressy, T. (2022). Analyzing Systemic Lupus Erythematosus Publications using Neural-Network-based Multi-Label Classification Algorithms, Lupus doi: .
- Nadeau, J., Wardley, L. J., & Rajabi, E. (2021). Tourism destination image resiliency during a pandemic as portrayed through emotions on Twitter, Tourism and Hospitality Research Vol. ahead-of-print No. ahead-of-print.
- Thomas, T. and Rajabi, E. (2021). A systematic review of machine learning-based missing value imputation techniques, Data Technologies and Applications Vol. 55 No. 4, pp. 558-585.
- Rajabi, E. (2020). Towards Linking Government Data in Canada, International Journal of Metadata, Semantics, and Ontologies, vol. 14, No. 3, pp. 209-217.
- Rajabi, E., Sanchez-Alonso, S. (2019). Knowledge Discovery using SPARQL Property Path: The Case of Disease Dataset, Journal of Information Science (JIS), published online: .
- Rajabi, E., Greller, W. (2019), Exposing Social Data as Linked Data in Education, International Journal of Semantic Web and Information System, 15(2), 92-106. doi:10.4018/IJSWIS.2019040105.
- Rajabi, E., Sanchez-Alonso S., Sicilia M.-A., Manouselis N. (2015). A linked and open dataset from a network of learning repositories on organic agriculture, British Journal of Educational Technology, published online: ,doi:10.1111/bjet.12341.
- Rajabi, E., Vogias K., Sanchez-Alonso S., Hatzakis I. (2015). e-Learning Object Ingestion in an Open Educational Environment. Bulletin of the IEEE Technical Committee on Learning Technology, vol. 12, No. 1-2, pp. 14-17.
- Rajabi, E., Sicilia M.-A., Sanchez-Alonso S. (2015). Interlinking Educational Resources to Web of Data through IEEE LOM. Computer Science and Information Systems, vol. 12, no. 1, pp. 233–255.
- Rajabi, E., Sicilia M.-A., Sanchez-Alonso S. (2015). Discovering Duplicate and Related Resources using Interlinking Approach: The case of Educational Datasets, Journal of Information Science , vol. 41, no. 3, pp. 329-341.
- Valiente M-C., Sicilia M.-A., E. Garcia-Barriocanal, Rajabi, E. (2015). Adopting the metadata approach to improve the search and analysis of educational resources for online learning, Computers in Human Behavior, vol. 51, pp. 1134-1141.
- Rajabi, E., Sicilia M.-A., Sanchez-Alonso S. (2015). Interlinking Educational Data: An Experiment with Engineering-related Resources in GLOBE , International Journal of Engineering Education , vol. 31, no. 3, pp. 893-900.
- Rajabi, E., Sicilia M.-A., Sanchez-Alonso S. (2014). An Empirical Study on the Evaluation of Interlinking Tools on the Web of Data, Journal of Information Science, vol. 40, No. 5, pp. 637-648.
- Rajabi, E., Sanchez-Alonso S., Sicilia M.-A. (2014). Analyzing Broken Links on the Web of Data: An Experiment with DBpedia, Journal of the Association for Information Science and Technology (JASIST), vol. 65, no. 8, pp. 1721-1727.
Conference papers:
- Doorshi, R. and Khoshkangini, R. and Rajabi, E. and Sahba, A. and Sahba, R. (2024). A Graph-Attention Solution for Breakdown Prediction (GASBP). Intelligent Systems Conference, 62-78, Springer Nature Switzerland Cham.
- Rajan, S. and Rajabi, E. and Khoshkangini, R. (2024). Knowledge Graphs Applications in Smart Cities. Proceedings of the 2024 8th International Conference on Information System and Data Mining, 27(4), 519.
- Rajabi, E., & Kafaie, S. (2023). Building a disease knowledge graph. In Caring is Sharing–Exploiting the Value in Data for Health and Innovation | Gothenburg | Sweden.
- Cabunagan-Cinco G.J., Rajabi, E., Nowaczyk S. (2022), Cluster Analysis on Sustainable Transportation: The Case of New York City Open Data 2022 International Conference on Applied Artificial Intelligence (ICAPAI) | Halden, Norway.
- Rajabi E., Nowaczyk S., Pashami S., and Bergquist M. (2022), An Explainable Knowledge-based AI Framework for Mobility as a Service, The 34th International Conference on Software Engineering & Knowledge Engineering | Pittsburgh, USA.
- Ghosh, D., Rajabi, E. (2022). KG-Visual: A Tool for Visualizing RDF Knowledge Graphs. In Research Conference on Metadata and Semantics Research | Online, pp. 126-136.
- Rajabi, E., Sravani, K., Shekarpour S. (2021). Analysis of Scientific Literature of LDOW Workshops: A Scientometric and NLP approach. 2nd Workshop on Data and Research Objects Management for Linked Open Science | Online, pp. 1-10.
- Rajabi, E., & Etminani, K. (2021). Towards a Knowledge Graph-Based Explainable Decision Support System in Healthcare. Studies in health technology and informatics, 281, 502–503.
- Sanchez-Alonso S., Sicilia M.-A., Rajabi, E., Cantallops M.-M., García Barriocanal E. (2020) Class and Instance Equivalences in the Web of Linked Data: Distribution and Graph Structure, MTSR 2020, pp. 13-21.
- Rajabi, E., Debruyne C., O’sullivan D. (2017). Towards a Personalized Query Answering Framework on the Web of Data, Linked Data on the Web (LDOW2017), WWW 2017, Perth, Australia, Apr. 2017.
- Rajabi, E., Abidi, SSR. (2017). Discovering Central Practitioners in a Medical Discussion Forum using Semantic Web Analytics, Informatics for Health 2017, Manchester Central, UK, Apr. 2017.
- Fazeli, S., Rajabi, E., Lezcano L., Drachsler H., Sloep, P. (2016). Supporting Users of Open Online Courses with Recommendations: An Algorithmic Study, Advanced Learning Technologies (ICALT), 16th International Conference on , Austin, Texas, USA. doi: 10.1109/ICALT.2016.119
- Rajabi, E., Marenzi I. (2015). Linking a Community Platform to the Linked Open Data Cloud, Learning & Education with the Web of Data (LILE) workshop, WWW2015, pp. 701-703.
- Rajabi, E., Sicilia M.-A., Sánchez-Alonso S. (2013). Interlinking educational data: an experiment with GLOBE resources, The First International Conference on Technological Ecosystem for Enhancing Multiculturality (TEEM 2013), pp. 339-348, Salamanca, Spain.
- Rajabi, E., Sicilia M.-A., Sanchez-Alonso S. (2013). A Simple Approach towards SKOSification of Digital Repositories, Metadata and Semantics Research (MTSR 2013), vol. 390, pp. 67-74.
- Rajabi, E., Greller W., Niemann K., Kastrantas K., Sanchez-Alonso S. (2013). Social data interoperability in educational repositories and federations, International Journal of Metadata, Semantics and Ontologies, vol. 8, no. 2, pp. 169-178.
- Sicilia M.-A., Sánchez-Alonso S., Garcia-Barriocanal E., Minguillón J., Rajabi, E. (2013). Exploring the keyword space in large learning resource aggregations: the case of GLOBE, LACRO Workshop, LAK 2013.
- Rajabi, E., Kahani M. (2003). In Home Network Management, 3rd Electrical & Computer Conference, Kermanshah, Iran.
- Rajabi, E., Kahani M. (2002). Comparison of Software and Hardware Home Networking Technologies, National Computer Conference NCC2002, Mashhad, Iran, (In Persian).
Poster and abstract papers:
- Rajabi, E., Wardley L. J., Nadeau, J., Levallet, N., O’Reilly, N., (2020). Analysis of Tourist Emotions Shared in Social Media: The Case of Mount Kilimanjaro, Administrative Sciences Association of Canada (ASAC), Virtual conference (Abstract).
- Rajabi, E., Kahani M., Sicilia M.-A. (2012). Trustworthiness of Linked Data Using PKI , 21st International World Wide Web Conference, Lyon, France.
- Rajabi, E., Kahani M. (2011). Designing a Step-by-step User Interface for Finding Provenance Information over Linked Data, 11th International Conference on Web Engineering (ICWE 2011), vol. 6757, pp. 403-406, Paphos, Cyprus.
- Rajabi, E., Kahani M. (2004). Design of an MIB for the management of Jini-based Home Networks, 9th CSI Computer Conference, Tehran, Iran.
Book chapters:
- Authors: George A. N. , Rajabi, E., (2024). Visualization tools for personal knowledge graphs, in book Personal Knowledge Graphs (PKGs): Methodology, tools and applications, IET, ISBN: 9781839537011.
- Rajabi, E., Beheshti S. (2016). Interlinking Big Data to Web of Data, in book Big Data Optimization: Recent Developments and Challenges, Edited by Professor Ali Emrouznejad, Springer, Birmingham, UK, May 2016.
- Amirian E., Rajabi, E., (2009). Database Systems, Sarafraz Publishing , First edition.
I have taught several courses in computer science domain. The following courses, however, are my formal teaching experience in Canada:
Predictive Analytics (MGSC 5125)
2020 - present
Course objectives:
- students will learn how to discover interesting things and reveal valuable information from data by selecting a proper model
- apply machine learning methods to build predictive models and discover patterns in data
- learn diverse kinds of regressions (linear, nonlinear, and logistic)
- learn four modeling techniques will be used: k-nearest neighbors, classification, and regression trees .
- Software: Python
Material for learning:
- Slides as well as practical examples will be provided alongside the textbook in the class
- Textbook 1: Abbott, D. Applied Predictive Analytics: Principles and Techniques for the Professional Data Analyst. 2014.
- Textbook 2: Hastie, T., Tibshirani, R., & Friedman, J. The elements of statistical learning: data mining, inference, and prediction (12th Edition). Springer Science & Business Media, 2017.
- Textbook 3: Witten, I. H., Frank, Eibe, Hall, Mark A. Data Mining: Practical Machine Learning Tools and Techniques. 1884-1970.; Palestro, Christopher J.
Capstone Project
2020 - present
Course goal and objectives:
- This is similar to an internship, a learning experience well-recognized for its impact on the student’s application of classroom knowledge to the world of work.
- It combines some of the best features of mathematics, engineering, and natural science to improve the problem-solving skills of students and better their ability to formulate problems, think creatively about solutions, and express a solution clearly and accurately.
- This course is an excellent opportunity for students to practice problem-solving skills. It uses Python as the analytical tool to formulate and solve problems based on a variety of mathematical modelling techniques.
- Software: Python
Material for learning:
- Python for Everybody: Exploring Data in Python 3, Charles Severance, CreateSpace Independent Publishing Platform, 2016.
- Think Python: How to Think Like a Computer Scientist, Allen Downey, Version 2.0.17, 2012.
- Data Science Projects with Python, A case study approach to successful data science projects using Python, pandas, and scikit-learn, Stephen Klosterman, Packt Publishing, 2019.
Database Concepts (MGSC 5106)
2019 - present
Course objectives:
- use database systems for strategic and operational decision making in organizations
- use entity relationship (ER) models to design relational database
- design and implement database applications using a RDBMS
- Software: MySQL
Material for learning:
- Slides as well as practical examples will be provided alongside the textbook in the class
- Textbook 1: Database Management Systems
- Textbook 2: Database System Concepts
- Learning SQL:
- MySQL Workbench:
Data Visualization (MGSC 5127)
2019 - present
Course objectives:
- understand different concepts of visualization
- learn how to design graphs using visualization tools
- learn how to choose an appropriate graph for a problem
- become familiar with some of tools used for data visualization tools
- Software: Tableau, Excel, D3, and Python visualization libraries
- Data Visualization Made Simple: Insights into Becoming Visual, Sosulski, K. New York: Routledge, 2018.
- Visualization Analysis and Design, Munzner, T. AK Peters Visualization Series, CRC Press, 2014.
- Storytelling with data: A Data Visualization Guide for Business Professionals, Knaflic, C. Wiley, 2015.
Material for learning:
- Tableau Desktop: Tableau’s data visualization software is provided through the Tableau for Teaching program for students at the following link:
- Tableau your data!
Quantitative Methods (MGSC 5113)
2019 - present
Course objectives:
- demonstrate their understanding of basic quantitative techniques
- learn how quantitative methods can be used to solve managerial problems
- learn to use IS tools (e.g. MS Excel) can be used in solving business problems
- Software: Excel
- Quantitative Analysis for Management,13th Edition, Render, Stair and Hanna, Custom Edition for Cape Breton University. Companion Website:
- Quantitative Methods for Business, 13th Edition, D. R. Anderson, D. J. Sweeney, & T. A. Williams.
Open positions
You can find the available positions below. Please read the requirements carefully.
Postdoctoral fellow position
For this position, we are looking for a motivated PostDoc candidate who is interested in applying his/her computational skills to real-world healthcare problems. This position will be initially available for one year. The grade of appointment will be accorded based on candidate’s academic qualifications and years of relevant experience.-
- Ph.D. in computer science, or a related field with a research focus on machine learning
- Great interpersonal communication, creative thinking, and problem-solving ability
- Demonstrated record of high-quality publications in the field of machine learning
- Demonstrated analytical, verbal, and scientific writing skills
- Demonstrated record of high-performance scientific programming with python
- Working on the healthcare projects will be an asset.
- Major responsibility of the selected candidate is to develop machine learning models (i.e. neural networks) to solve healthcare challenges. The selected candidate will also be involved in managing, extracting and pre-processing data for various projects.
Place of work
- In accordance with Canadian Employment and Immigration guidelines, applicants must be eligible to work in Canada.
- The applicant must be in Nova Scotia province during the employment.
How to apply
- Send an email with subject “postdoc-ML-2022” with the following documents to CV, cover letter, and two sample publications.
- Employment start date to be mutually agreed. Please submit your application by 2023/12/31.
Useful Resources
Useful resources for students and graduates from Dr. Milios page:
Doing research and writing papers
- Writing papers:
- Thesis:
- Poster presentation:
- Oral presentations :
- Other research resources :
1250 Grand Lake Dr., Sydney, NS B1P 6L2
enayat_rajabi @ cbu .ca
+1 902 563 1180